- Silvery body with iridescent sheen
- Three dark vertical stripes, which can fade or darken based on mood
- Elongated, flowing dorsal and anal fins
- Rounded caudal fin
- Small, pointed mouth
- Can grow up to 6 inches in length
- Peaceful and relatively shy: Prefers the company of other angelfish and peaceful community fish.
- Active swimmers: Enjoy exploring different levels of the aquarium.
- Grazer: Feeds on algae, biofilm, and small invertebrates.
- Can be bred in captivity: Requires slightly acidic water and specific breeding conditions.
Care requirements:
- Established freshwater aquarium (minimum 55 gallons)
- Stable water parameters (temperature, pH, hardness)
- High water quality with filtration and water changes
- Ample live plants and hiding places
- Varied diet of flakes, pellets, algae wafers, and live food
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