Payment Options

The following payment options are available when buying from The Royal Pets.

1.     In-store

1.1  Cash on order

Cash payments are accepted at our store

1.2 Debit / Credit Card Payment

Card Payments are accepted at our store

2.     Online

2.1 M-pesa

Mobile Money payments (M-PESA)

  • Go to SAFARICOM menu and select ‘M-PESA’
  • Choose ‘Lipa na M-Pesa’ and select ‘Pay Bill’
  • Enter The Royal Pet’s Business Number: 524925
  • Enter Account Number: Your Name
  • Enter ‘Exact Amount to pay’
  • Enter ‘PIN Number’ and Press ‘OK’

Payments made via M-Pesa will reflect immediately.

Currently, payment is up to a maximum of KES.70, 000 per transaction and a limit of KES.140, 000 transacted per day.

2.2  Credit Card Payments

We accept Airtel Money Payments using iPay Payment Gateway

  • VISA,
  • Mastercard

2.3 Airtel Money

We accept Airtel Money Payments using iPay Payment Gateway

2.3  Kenswitch

We accept Kenswitch wallet Payments using iPay Payment Gateway

2.6 eLipa wallet modes of payment.

We accept e lipa wallet using iPay Payment Gateway

2.7 Equity Eazzy Pay

We accept Eazzy Pay using iPay Payment Gateway

The Royal Pets Store