- Slender, elongated body reaching up to 10 inches (25 cm) in length
- Smooth, scaleless skin with a variety of colors and patterns
- Long, barbels around the mouth used for detecting food
- Forked caudal fin
- Various species with different patterns, such as polka dots, stripes, and spots
- Peaceful and social: Do best in groups of 5 or more.
- Active bottom dwellers: Spend most of their time sifting through the substrate for food.
- Curious and playful: Enjoy exploring all levels of the tank but prefer hiding places.
- Interesting behaviors: Known for their “corydoras dance” and ability to produce clicking sounds.
- Nocturnal: More active at night.
Care requirements:
- Established freshwater aquarium (minimum 20 gallons for a small group)
- Stable water parameters:
- Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water
- High water quality with good filtration and regular water changes
- Sandy or fine gravel substrate
- Well-planted tank with plenty of hiding places, such as caves and driftwood
- Varied diet, including sinking pellets, algae wafers, and live food
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