Aquarium Fish Categories
Aquarium Fish
Showing all 11 resultsSorted by popularity
Aquarium Air Stones & Diffusers, Aquarium Cleaning Supplies, Aquarium Filters and Clarifiers, Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water Treatments
Sera Bio Nitrivec
Aquarium Air Stones & Diffusers, Aquarium Cleaning Supplies, Aquarium Filters and Clarifiers, Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water TreatmentsSera Bio Nitrivec
Serabio nitrivec is a liquid filter media with a special mixture of different high quality purification bacteria for aquarium water. Sera bio nitrivec prevents the enrichment of ammonia and nitrite. When using Sera bio nitrivec fish can already be added after 24 hours. Sera bio nitrivec.
SKU: n/a -
Aquarium Fish, Live Animals and Plants
Bala Shark (Silver Shark)
The Bala Shark is also known as the Silver Shark and is a growing favorite among tropical fish hobbyists. They are commonly named silver sharks because of their appearance and the shape of their dorsal fin. These “sharks” require large tanks because of their potential adult size of 13 inches and because this fish does better when kept in groups.
Aquarium Cleaning Supplies, Aquarium Filters and Clarifiers, Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water Treatments, Fish Supplies
Sera costapur F
Aquarium Cleaning Supplies, Aquarium Filters and Clarifiers, Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water Treatments, Fish SuppliesSera costapur F
Sera costapur F is an effective cure against ichthyophthirius (White Spots Disease) and other skin parasites such as costia, chilodonella and trichodina in fresh water and Brooklynella hostilis, Uronema marinum, Cryptocarion irritans and others in sea water.
SKU: n/a -
Aquarium Cleaning Supplies, Aquarium Filters and Clarifiers, Aquarium Fish, Fish Supplies
Sera baktopur
Aquarium Cleaning Supplies, Aquarium Filters and Clarifiers, Aquarium Fish, Fish SuppliesSera baktopur
Sera baktopur reliably combats bacterial diseases such as mouth and fin rot and grayish-white respective fluff-like areas on the skin and the fins of freshwater fish in aquarium and garden pond. Sera baktopur disinfects and supports recovery.
SKU: n/a -
Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water Treatments, Fresh Water Fish
Sera Aquatan
Water conditioner for fish friendly water rich in mineral substances
- immediately removes chlorine and chloramines
- binds heavy metals
- with mineral substances
Toxic substances such as chlorine and heavy metals can get into the aquarium water with every water change. Even our well monitored drinking water often contains such substances in concentrations critical for fish and other aquarium inhabitants.
sera aquatan immediately conditions tap water into fish friendly, healthy aquarium water. It removes harmful substances such as chlorine and chloramines, binds heavy metals (e.g. copper, zinc or lead) and protects against ammonia. At the same time, it adds important mineral substances in a bioavailable form to the aquarium water, which is to the benefit of fish, plants, invertebrates and useful micro organisms.
- Calcium for a strong, well proportioned skeleton and flawless scales
- Magnesium for strong growth and muscles
- Manganese for healthy growth and improved fertility
- Iodine for a balanced development and better disease resistance
aquatan thus ensures optimal living conditions for all aquarium inhabitants.
sera aquatan ensures fish friendly water by removing toxic ammonia and chlorine, among others. These pollutants are harmful, and possibly fatal, for both fish and shrimps even in low concentrations. The diagram summarizes from when fish and/or shrimps are in danger.
aquatan is able to remove or bind these pollutants entirely within shortest time (10 minutes at the maximum), and thus protects the aquarium inhabitants against dangerous intoxications.
SKU: n/a -
Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water Treatments
Sera ammonium/ammonia-Test (NH4/NH3)
Makes it easy to monitor the ammonium/ammonia level in fresh and marine water.
Ammonium and ammonia mainly arise from fish waste. They are converted into each other depending on the pH value. While ammonium is mostly harmless, ammonia is toxic to fish.
The sera NH4/NH3-Test allows monitoring the total concentration of both (the actual ammonia level can be calculated according to the pH value the using the included chart).
In case of acute danger, sera toxivec (freshwater) or sera pond toxivec (pond) provide help. sera bio nitrivec (freshwater), sera marin bio reefclear (marine water) or sera pond bio nitrivec (pond) actively counteract lasting enrichment of these substances.
Sufficient for approx. 60 measurements.
VOLUME: 15ml
SKU: n/a -
Aquarium Fish, Fish Feeders, Fish Food
Supa Pond fish food
Supa Pond Fish Food is rich in proteins and low in fat. It also contains plenty of minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium, and has an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamins such as A and D are also present. This fish helps increase the “absorption rate”, boosts immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties. It also enhances the skin, nails and hair, regulates blood sugar and prevents cardiovascular disease.SKU: n/a -
Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water Treatments, Fresh Water Fish
Sera gH Test
Makes it easy to monitor the total hardness
For approx. 420°dGH.
In case of too low GH values we recommend sera mineral salt. High total hardness levels can be lowered by mixing in R/O water.
For creating soft water we recommend adding sera blackwater aquatan or filtering through sera super peat.
SKU: n/a -
Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water Treatments, Fresh Water Fish
Sera phosphate-Test (PO4)
Makes it easy to monitor the phosphate level in fresh and marine water
Both fish waste and feeding are possible causes for phosphate introduction into the water. A part is taken up as a nutrient by plants, an excess, however, provides nutrition for unwanted algae.
The sera PO4-Test quickly and easily provides an overview of current phosphate levels. Excess phosphate is easy to remove with sera phosvec・clear (freshwater) or sera phosvec Granulat (fresh and marine water) or sera pond phosvec (pond).
Sufficient for approx. 60 measurements.
VOLUME: 15ml
SKU: n/a -
Aquarium Cleaning Supplies, Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water Treatments, Live Aquarium Plants
Sera Pond Algokill
Aquarium Cleaning Supplies, Aquarium Fish, Aquarium Water Treatments, Live Aquarium PlantsSera Pond Algokill
Sera Pond Algokill immediately act on filamentous algae in the pond. filamentous algae
They are permanently destroyed by releasing active oxygen. In addition compensates for the lack
oxygen, resulting in death due to algae pond. Sera Pond is poured Algokill
directly to the tufts of algae. This product works immediately and make on-site
occurrence. Warning: Use biocides safely. Before use, always read
the label and product information.WEIGHT : 2kg
SKU: n/a