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Adragna Monoprotein Maxi Junior Dry Dog Food


Adragna Monoprotein Maxi Adult Chicken and citrus Dry Dog Food is a complete food that meets the nutritional needs and tastes of dogs of different ages.

KSh 11,400


Adragna Monoprotein Maxi Junior Dry Dog Food is a complete food that meets the nutritional needs and tastes of dogs of different ages.

Adragna Monoprotein Maxi Junior Chicken and citrus Dry Dog Food


COMPOSITION Dried animal proteins (chicken 35%); corn; rice; animal fats; buckwheat; sorghum; hydrolysed animals proteins; Sicilian citrus fruit (2%); dried beet pulp; dried carobs; dried whey; brewer’s yeast; linseeds; olive oil; sodium chloride; extract of chestnut wood (natural source of tannins); glucosamine; fructooligosaccharides; chondroitin sulphate.

ANALYTICAL CONSTITUENTS Moisture 9,00%, crude protein 27,00%, crude fats and oils 16,00%, crude fiber 2,60%, crude ashes 5,80%, calcium 1,20%, phosphorous 1,00%, Omega 3 0,60%, Omega 6 2,80%, metabolizable energy 4.050 Kcal/Kg.

NUTRITIONAL ADDITIVES Vitamin A 21.000 UI – Vitamin C 75,00 mg – Vitamin D3 1.400 UI – Vitamin E 275 UI – Vitamin B1 8,40 mg – Vitamin B2 8,40 mg – Vitamin B3 30,00 mg – Vitamin B6/pyridoxine hydrochloride 7,00 mg – Biotin 1,60 mg – Vitamin K 1,75 mg – Vitamin B12 0,16 mg – Acid folic 1,50 mg  – Cholin chloride 2.200,00 mg – Iron carbonate (iron) 300,00 mg – Calcium iodate anhydrous (iodine) 2,60 mg– Copper sulfate pentahydrate (copper) 47,00 mg – Manganese oxide (manganese) 60,00 mg – Zinc oxide (zinc) 180,00 mg – Sodium selenite (selenium) 0,27 mg – DL Methionine technically pure 3.000,00 mg. Antioxidants.

FEEDING GUIDE The product must be fed to your pet daily according to the feeding chart printed on the back of the package, preferably dividing it in two/three main meals, making sure to always provide your dog with fresh water. In case of a change of product, it is advised to do it gradually. Make small adjustments to the recommended quantities based on the physiological conditions of the dog, activity and environmental factors. Store the product in a cool and dry place.

Additional Information:

Age Puppy
Specific characteristics None in particular
Lifestyle Active
Pet Dog
Protein Chicken
Size Maxi
Minimum term of conservation 18 Months
Type Dry Dog Food


Feeding Recommendation:

9 – 12 Months

Adult Weight 35 kg 40 kg 45 kg 50 kg 55 kg 60 kg 65 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg
Ration in grams 490-530 530-580 580-630 630-690 690-750 750-790 790-850 840-900 910-970 940-1020


13-15 Months
Peso adulto 35 kg 40 kg 45 kg 50 kg 55 kg 60 kg 65 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg
Razione in gr 530-540 580-590 650-660 700-710 760-780 800-820 870-890 910-930 990-1000 1040-1050


16-18 Months
Adult Weight 35 kg 40 kg 45 kg 50 kg 55 kg 60 kg 65 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg
Ration in grams 450-490 530-550 590-630 630-680 700-750 720-780 780-850 820-880 900-950 940-1000


18-20 Months
Adult Weight 35 kg 40 kg 45 kg 50 kg 55 kg 60 kg 65 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg
Ration in grams 430-450 500-530 550-590 590-630 630-700 660-720 720-780 750-820 850-900 890-940
21-24 Months
Adult Weight 35 kg 40 kg 45 kg 50 kg 55 kg 60 kg 65 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg
Ration in grams ADULT ADULT 500-530 530-560 560-590 600-630 640-670 690-710 750-810 800-850


Read more about your dog’s nutrition here:
Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link

Get more info about Royal Canin pet food Here


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