- Translucent white body with a pinkish tinge and faint dark markings
- Lacks the typical dark pigmentation of common Bristlenose Plecos
- Possesses characteristic armored plates for protection
- Suction-like mouth with barbels for scraping algae
- Short, forked caudal fin
- Males have prominent bristles on their head, absent in females
- Peaceful and shy: Prefers hiding during the day and becomes more active at night.
- Mostly nocturnal: Spends most of its time searching for algae on rocks, driftwood, and tank surfaces.
- Herbivorous: Primarily eats algae but may also consume some biofilm and plant matter.
- Territorial towards other Plecos: Can be aggressive towards its own kind, especially males.
Care requirements:
- Established freshwater aquarium (minimum 30 gallons for a single adult)
- Stable water parameters:
- Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
- pH: 6.5-7.5
- Hardness: Soft to medium water
- High water quality with good filtration and regular water changes
- Aquarium with plenty of hiding places and smooth surfaces for algae grazing
- Varied diet, including algae wafers, sinking pellets, blanched vegetables, and cucumber slices
- Effective algae eater: Helps control algae growth in your tank.
- Unique and attractive: Adds visual interest with its unusual white coloration.
- Relatively easy to care for: Suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists.
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