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Dogland Active Dog food


Dogland? Active is a premium quality, fairly priced dog food, guaranteed to meet all your dog’s dietary and nutritional requirements. Made from choice meat and meat products from animals fit only? for human consumption, Dogland? Active has no?artificial coloring’s, flavors or preservatives used. It is very tasty, ask your dog, they know!

Weight: 15kg

KSh 8,840

  1. Dogland Active is a premium quality, fairly priced dog food. It is guaranteed to meet all your dog’s dietary and nutritional requirements. Dogland active is made from choice meat and meat products from animals fit only for human consumption. It boasts of having no artificial coloring’s, flavors or preservatives used. It is very tasty, ask your dog, they know!

German produced, premium dog food

This dog meal is produced by the German company Bewital. Reputably, this manufacturer is famously known for high-quality food brand Bewi Dog. Dogland is a premium food, which is designed for customers who want quality for less money. In spite of its affordability, the makers of Dogland take very keen interest in the quality of raw materials used. They ensure that multiple laboratory and animal testing meets the demanding conditions of government controls. Dogland contains high quality fats, good for your dog’s health.

The daily ration is dependent on the levels of your dog’s activity each day. The dog must have all-day access to adequate amounts of water. Regular weighing of the dog is recommended to check the correct feed rate.

Bring out the best in your dog

Dogs love to eat, There is no denying it. They scarf down their dinner in a matter of seconds then stare at you imploringly, asking for another. Though your dog should get most of his nutrition from a healthy dog food formula, there is no harm in giving him a few treats now and then. You need to be mindful, however, that not all dog treats are created equal.

Some dog treats are designed for training purposes, they are small but flavorful and aromatic to make them an enticing reward for good behavior. There are dog treats that provide dental benefits and others that serve as nutritional supplements. There is also a wide variety of regular treats that are soft, crunchy, freeze-dried, or jerky.

Read more about your dog’s nutrition here:
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