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Ferplast kitty litter tray 2099


Crafted with a premium quality material that proffers easy cleaning. Works to prevent slips in pets.

41 x 30 x h 10cm

KSh 1,175

The Ferplast Kitty Litter Tray 2099 is a stylish and easy-to-clean cat litter tray that is perfect for cats of all sizes. The tray is made with durable plastic and is easy to clean.  It is also a good value for the price, making it a great choice for any cat owner.

Here are some of the benefits of using the Ferplast Kitty Litter Tray 2099:

  • Stylish: The tray comes in a variety of colors to match your home décor.
  • Easy to clean: The tray is removable and washable for easy cleaning.
  • Durable: The tray is made with durable plastic to last for years.
  • Affordable: The tray is a good value for the price.

If you are looking for a stylish, easy-to-clean, and durable cat litter tray for your cat, then the Ferplast Kitty Litter Tray Assorted 2099 is a great choice.

41 x 30 x h 10cm

green, blue, brown


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