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Kyron EnviroFresh Aerosol spray 150ml


Packaging: 500ml Can

Aerosol spray for clinics, surgeries, waiting rooms & homes EnviroFresh is an environmental spray for disinfecting and deodorizing all rooms and hard surfaces. This fresh, clean-smelling spray completely neutralises all unpleasant odours. EnviroFresh is strongly bactericidal and fungicidal.

KSh 2,574


Kyron EnviroFresh Environmental Odour Neutralizer With Chlorhexidine

Kyron EnviroFresh Aerosol spray for clinics, surgeries, waiting rooms & homes EnviroFresh is an environmental spray for disinfecting and deodorizing all rooms and hard surfaces. This fresh, clean-smelling spray completely neutralises all unpleasant odours. EnviroFresh is strongly bactericidal and fungicidal.

why choose Kyron EnviroFresh Environmental Odour Neutralizer

  • EnviroFresh contains Kyron’s unique chemical odour neutraliser
  • Registered for use as an environmental and hard surface disinfectant
  • Strong broad-spectrum antibacterial action due to chlorhexidine
  • Strong antifungal action
  • High discharge valve rapidly fills room volume
    • To deodorise rooms in a flash, spray a burst of Envirofresh – it instantly neutralises the most offensive odours
    • Kills airborne bacteria and funguses
    • To disinfect hard surfaces (kills 99,9% of organisms): leave sprayed solution in contact for 5 minutes.
    • SABS approved

500ml can with rapid-discharge valve
Available in Original and Baby Powder Fragrance

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