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Kyron Shoo-Fly Repellent Spray


Kyron Shoo-Fly Ointment Repellent has highly effective combination of ingredients provides immediate relief and long-lasting protection against all flies

*for large Dogs and Horses

Packaging: 200 ml | 750 ml

KSh 2,742KSh 5,686


Kyron Shoo-Fly Ointment Repellent has highly effective combination of ingredients provides immediate relief and long-lasting protection against all flies

*for large Dogs and Horses

Why Use Kyron Shoo-Fly Repellent Spray?

  • A pleasant-smelling solution contains synergised pyrethroids as well as aromatic oils.
  • highly effective combination of ingredients provides immediate relief and long-lasting protection against all flies.
  • Prevent flies from infecting your animal with various diseases;
  • Stop flies from being a nuisance to your animal and yourself
  • Repels flies, ticks, fleas, midges and mosquitoes
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