
Peacock Guppy


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Aquarium guppies are super popular because you can keep them in a smaller tank and their bio-load is small. They also happen to be filled with bright colors making them beautiful and fun to watch.

KSh 300

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These hardy colorful peacock guppy fish add excitement and brilliance to the passive community aquarium. Unique color strains have been developed through selective breeding programs. Peacock Guppies stay small, under 2-1/2 inches in length, and will add interest and color to the small community aquarium.

The Peacock Guppy is perhaps the most popular freshwater tropical fish species. It is a great tropical fish for freshwater aquarium fish beginners. Moreover, the Guppy is a very hardy tropical fish that is also a very prolific breeder. The male guppy is easy to distinguish from the female guppy because the male is usually more colorful. In addition, it has extremely colorful and large caudal fins (tails). On the contrary, the female is usually larger, thicker bodied, with less color and a smaller caudal fin (tail).

Aquarium guppies are super popular because you can keep them in a smaller tank and their bio-load is small. They also happen to be filled with bright colors making them beautiful and fun to watch.


Peacock guppies are a species of freshwater, tropical fish native to South America. There are nearly 300 different types of guppy throughout rivers in the Amazon, as well as in Barbados, Brazil, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela. To mimic these waters, aim to keep the water in your guppy’s tank in the mid-70 degrees Fahrenheit, with 76 degrees as an ideal temperature, according to Williamson. This can be done ideally with individual tank heaters or by using a room heater in the tank room.

Read more about fancy guppies here:
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