
Rabbits & Bunnies

Rabbits can be trained to use a litter box, they?ll come when called, and some greatly enjoy chasing and being chased around the lawn! Pet rabbits are delightful companion animals. They are inquisitive, intelligent, sociable and affectionate?and if well-cared for, indoor rabbits can live for seven to ten or more years

KSh 3,000


Some rabbit out there is calling out for you?he is yearning to hop in to your family to stay happy and healthy.

A rabbit can make a wonderful indoor pet. They are adorable and brimming with personality. Rabbits can be trained to use a litter box, they?ll come when called, and some greatly enjoy chasing and being chased around the lawn! Pet rabbits are delightful companion animals.

4 reasons why rabbits can make good pets

  1. Rabbits are social and with gentle handling are generally quite tame.
  2. They are intelligent, playful and entertaining to watch.
  3. Rabbits often form very close bonds with their owners and are affectionate.
  4. They can be?litter trained. They also respond well to gentle training (try a clicker) and can be trained to do special behaviors and tricks.

If well-cared for, indoor rabbits can live for seven to ten or more years.?Rabbits are a popular choice for many families with an estimated 1.5 million rabbits kept as pets in Kenya. And it’s no surprise as rabbits are highly intelligent, inquisitive animals. Owning rabbits’ can be extremely rewarding.?Rabbit’s come in a variety of breeds, shapes and sizes and each bunny has there own unique personality.? Typically they’ll live for 8 – 12 years, but some may live for longer.

Remember before owning a rabbit

Rabbit urine?can have a strong odor so expect to change their litter box frequently (spaying and neutering can help reduce the odor. In addition, their urine is high in calcium so can leave a chalky residue when it dries that can be hard to clean up (vinegar is pretty effective for this).

Learn more about pet rabbits here:
Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5

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