
Syrian Golden Hamster

Hamsters are popular pets for children. They are small rodents that typically live about two years, are usually best if housed alone, and come in a variety of colors and breeds.

KSh 3,000


The hamster is a popular pet for children. They are small rodents that typically live about two years, are usually best if housed alone, and come in a variety of colors and breeds.?They are distinguishable from other rodents due to their short tails, stubby legs and small ears. Hamsters have many different colors, including black, grey, brown, white, yellow, red or a mixture of several colors.

Young hamsters are best for taming since they will most likely be friendlier from the get-go.?Hamsters need activities and enrichment to keep them happy and healthy. They also need chew toys to?keep their teeth neat and trim.?Some hamsters are very social, while others are loners.

Fun facts about hamsters

  1. Hamsters are ?crepuscular??This?means that hamsters are not diurnal (active during the daytime, like humans), or?nocturnal?(active at night, like owls), but rather ?crepuscular?, which means they are most active during the twilight hours.
  2. Hamsters can store food in their cheeks, then eat it later!
  3. Hamster?s incisor teeth never stop growing.?If your hamster stops chewing on things then its teeth would grow so long that it would struggle to open its mouth to eat properly.

Hamsters like to eat seeds, grains, nuts, cracked corn, fruits and vegetables.?They have pouches in their cheeks that they stuff with food. Then, they will carry their hoard back to their colony so they can eat it later. Pet hamsters will often store food under their cage bedding.

Learn more about hamsters here:

  1. How to take care of hamsters
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