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Bonnie Adult Lamb And Rice Dog Food


Bonnie Lamb & Rice Adult Dog food is fully-balanced, contains lamb protein and an all natural dog food. It is carefully formulated by cat / dog nutritionists to meet the nutritional requirements of all adult breeds.

KSh 1,695KSh 6,570


Bonnie Lamb & Rice Adult Dog food is fully-balanced, contains lamb protein and an all natural dog food. It is carefully formulated by cat / dog nutritionists to meet the nutritional requirements of all adult breeds.

INGREDIENTS: Lamb Proteins (dehydrated), Animal Proteins (dehydrated), Wheat, Corn, Animal Fat, Corn Gluten, Rice, Dried Beet Pulp, Liver Flavour, Salt, Linseed, Brewer’s Yeast, Yucca Schidigera, Mannan-Oligosaccharides, Beta Glucan, Preservatives – Antioxidants.

MINERALS: Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, lodine, Zinc, Copper, Iron, Selenium.

VITAMINS: Vit. A, Vit. D, Vit. E, Vit. C, Vit. B1 – B2 – B3 (Niacin) – B6 – B12 – B7 (Biotin) – B9 (Folic Acid), Vit. K, Choline, Calcium Pantothenate.

Crude Protein  21% Vitamin A (E672) 15000 IU/kg
Crude Fat 11% Vitamin D3(E671)  1000 IU/kg
Crude Ash  8% Vitamin E (3A700) 100 mg/kg
Crude Cellulose ( Fiber ) 4% Vitamin C (Stay C) 100 mg/kg


DOG’S WEIGHT 1 – 5 kg 5 – 10 kg 10 – 20 kg 20 – 30 kg 30 – 40 kg  40 – 50 kg  50 – 60 kg 
DAILY PORTION 45 – 135 g 135 – 225 g 225 – 375 g 375 – 510 g 510 – 640 g 640 – 750 g 750 – 860 g

IMPORTANT AND TO KNOW: ● Please see chart for recommended daily feeding amount (gr/day) according to the dog’s bodyweight (kg). ● Daily ration can vary linked to ambient temperature, dog’s lifestyle (indoor-outdoor), temperament and activity. ●In order to ensure ideal body weight of your dog, weight of your dog, weigh out the quantity of food. ● To provide the correct portions, assess your dog’S appetite, visual appearance and stool. ● Switching over from one food to another should be done gradually by mixing small amounts of both foods during a period of one week. ● Can be stored up to 18 months. Productiondate is written on the package. ●Store in a dry and cool place and be sure the bag is closed. ● Fresh drinking water should always be available. ●Not proper for human consumption.

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