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Bonnie Cocktail Cat food


Bonnie Cocktail Cat food has a tempting taste even picky cats can’t resist. It combines all the nutrition your adult cat needs with the deliciousness they want.

KSh 690KSh 1,840


Bonnie Cocktail Cat food has a tempting taste even picky cats can’t resist. It combines all the nutrition your adult cat needs with the deliciousness they want.

Why Cats like Bonnie Cocktail Cat food

Cats can be very picky with their foods. Feed your cat like the independent? animal she is when you give it Bonnie Cocktail Cat food. It is essentially good for adult cats as it is high in protein. This meal has a good mix of all your cats taste needs, they cant resist it.

This dry cat food has been specially formulated with real chicken, an assortment of meats and grains to give your cats all the nutrients it needs. Your feline friend shares an instinctual need and desire to eat like its wildcat ancestors. Hence, that means consuming a diet that?s rich in real animal protein. Real chicken is the very first ingredient this cat food contains. This protein-rich Bonnie cat food provides all the nutrients your cat needs to develop and maintain a lean, healthy body, strong immune systems and the energy to run and play.

INGREDIENTS: Beef Proteins (dehydrated), Animal Proteins (dehydrated), Wheat, Corn, Animal Fat, Corn Gluten, Dried Beet Pulp, Liver Flavour, Salt, Linseed, Brewer’s Yeast, Taurine, Yucca Schidigera, Mannan-Oligosaccharides, Beta Glucan, Preservatives – Antioxidants, Colourants (E104, E102, E133, E124, E171).

MINERALS: Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, lodine, Zinc, Copper, Iron, Selenium.

VITAMINS: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1 – B2 – B3 (Niacin) – B6 – B12 – B7 (Biotin) – B9 (Folic Acid), Vitamin K, Choline, Calcium Pantothenate.

Crude Protein  31% Vitamin A (E672) 15000 IU/kg
Crude Fat 12% Vitamin D3(E671)  1000 IU/kg
Crude Ash  8% Vitamin E (3A700) 150 mg/kg
Crude Cellulose ( Fiber ) 3% Vitamin C (Stay C) 120 mg/kg
Taurine 1000 mg/kg


CAT’S WEIGHT 1 – 2 kg 3 – 4 kg 5 – 6 kg 7 – 8 kg
DAILY PORTION 30 – 45 g 60 – 80 g 100 – 120 g 140 – 160 g


● Please see chat for recommended daily feeding amount (gr/day) according to the cat’s bodyweight (kg).

●Daily ration can vary linked to ambient temperature, cat’s lifestyle (indoor-outdoor), temperament and activity.

● In order to ensure ideal body weightof your cat’s appetite, visual appearance and stool.

●Switching over from one food to another should be done gradually by mixing small amounts of both food during a perion of one week.

● Can be stored up to 18 months. Production date is written on the package.

●Store in a dry and cool place and be sure the bag is closed.

● Fresh drinking water should always be available.

● Not proper for human consumption.

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