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Supporting Cardiac Health in Dogs

CardioCare contains key nutrients beneficial to the heart health of your dog:

~Coenzyme Q10




~Vitamins C, D & E

KSh 2,176


Supporting Cardiac Health in Dogs

CardioCare contains key nutrients beneficial to the heart health of your dog:

~Coenzyme Q10




~Vitamins C, D & E

Co-Q10 in Dogs

It is now well known that heart function is improved by a supplementation of coenzyme Q10.Co-Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that supports the cardiovascular system. Coenzyme Q10 is produced naturally in the body and acts as a powerful antioxidant to help protect against cell damage. Cells that benefit the most from the addition of Co-Q10 are those cells that have rapid turnover, such as heart, gingival [gums], retina, mucosal cells of the intestines and immune system cells. Unfortunately, as pets age they produce less coenzyme Q10 and therefore may benefit from supplementation.


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