Supporting Cardiac Health in Dogs
CardioCare contains key nutrients beneficial to the heart health of your dog:
~Coenzyme Q10
~Vitamins C, D & E
Co-Q10 in Dogs
It is now well known that heart function is improved by a supplementation of coenzyme Q10.Co-Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that supports the cardiovascular system. Coenzyme Q10 is produced naturally in the body and acts as a powerful antioxidant to help protect against cell damage. Cells that benefit the most from the addition of Co-Q10 are those cells that have rapid turnover, such as heart, gingival [gums], retina, mucosal cells of the intestines and immune system cells. Unfortunately, as pets age they produce less coenzyme Q10 and therefore may benefit from supplementation.
Additionally, CoQ10 may help pets with the following conditions:
. Periodontal diseases such as gingivitis
. Age related conditions such as macular degeneration
Diabetes[Co-Q10 improved the function of blood vessels and improved some biochemical markers that predict the progression of diabetes]
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant and part of the chain of energy production in the heart muscle. Improved energy production improves heart muscle contractility and heart function. Troponin 1 levels are a measure of heart muscle damage. Supplementation with CoQ10 decreased Troponin1 levels in 71% of Dogs and improved heart pumping ability by 8-9% in dogs.
L- Carnitine in Dogs
Carnitine is an antioxidant and is used to generate energy in the form of ATP in the heart. Dogs with DCM have demonstrated an improvement in cardiac parameters and quality of life following L-carnitine supplementation [3-4].
Certain breeds, particularly Boxers, as well as Cocker Spaniels, Springer Spaniels, and Doberman Pinschers, may be affected by dilated cardiomyopathy [DCM] that is linked to carnitine deficiency, and improves when supplements are given. Even when there is sufficient carnitine in the diet and blood levels are normal, providing additional carnitine may improve cardiac function.
Taurine in Dogs
Taurine is required for the correct function of the heart. Some large breed dogs have a genetic predisposition to taurine deficiency. Recently DCM has been identified in dog breeds without a genetic predisposition, and is associated with feeding exotic, boutique, grain free and vegan diets as well as diets that are exclusively based on lamb and rice. These diets are taurine deficient. Taurine supplementation has been demonstrated to improve heart function in dogs with DCM and aging dogs, Co-Q10 CardioCare can provide heart support for dogs, energizing their hearts for years come!
Arginine in Dogs
Is another amino acid that may provide beneficial effects for dogs with CHF [congestive heart failure] by improving endothelial function and cardiac output and may result in improved exercise tolerance and decreased dyspnea [shortness of breath].
Vitamins C, D & E- For Cardiovascular Health
Dogs do not synthesize vitamin D in their skin and rely on dietary vitamin D. Calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D is needed to transport calcium in the heart. Calcium in the heart is needed for muscle contraction. Serum calcitriol levels have been demonstrated to be significantly lower [20%] in dogs with CHF compared with controls. Low serum calcitriol levels have been associated with a poorer outcome.
A failing heart is under considerable oxidative stress. It is struggling to receive the blood and oxygenation it needs. Vitamin E and Vitamin C are potent antioxidants. Vitamin E strengthens the cardiovascular system and enhances cardiac health by oxygenating the blood, which improves circulation in the heart and arteries.
Its ability to heal and prevent circulatory diseases like tachycardia [ increased heart rate] and arteriosclerosis makes vitamin E an essential ingredient of a healthy canine diet.
Cardiovascular disease affects over 10% of all animals, and congestive heart failure affects 20-40% of dogs. If you have a dog whose breed is more prone to heart problems, it is important to take a proactive stance when it comes to their cardiac health. Exercise, weight control and a healthy diet are the first steps to improving your pet’s heart health.
The Three most Common Heart Conditions for Dogs.
. Congestive heart failure
. Cardiomyopathy
. Heart failure.
Pack Size: 30ml Tube (easy to paste gun)
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