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Kyrophos Metabolic-V

An injectable vitamin/mineral supplement. It is a source of phosphorus and B Vitamins for both large and small animals. Phosphorus is a vital element in muscle, blood, bone and nerve metabolism. It has a tonic effect, stimulating appetite and increasing weight gain. For use as a nutritional supplement and in the treatment of deficiencies

Volume: 100ml


KSh 2,969


Each ml contains:

Sodium glycerophosphate 200mg
Cyanocobalamin 50mcg
Pyridoxine HCI l2mg
Pantothenic acid 3mg
Methylparaben 1mg as preservative

A pink-coloured, clear sterile solution.

Mode Of Action
Phosphorus is a vital element in muscle, blood, bone and nerve metabolism. It has a tonic effect, stimulating appetite and increasing weight gain. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B ) is an essential nutrient for nuclear maturation 12 and cell division,and deficiency of this vitamin results in general depression of cellular development and tissue growth. Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B ) is a co-enzyme which assists in the oxidation of amino-acids. 6 Pantothenic acid is a component of coenzyme A which is essential in the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and protein.

For use as a nutritional supplement and in the treatment of deficiencies.


Once daily: IV, SC, or IM.
Large animals: 5-25ml
Small animals: 1-5ml

100ml amber glass injection vials.

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