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Myfood adult cat food lamb and rice

Myfood adult cat food lamb and rice is a premium dry dog food made with lamb as the main ingredient. It is also enriched with rice, vitamins, and minerals to provide your dog with complete and balanced nutrition.

Provides your dog with healthy skin and it is delicious so your dog will enjoy every bit of it.

Weight: 12kg

KSh 9,269


Myfood adult cat food lamb and rice  is a premium dry dog food made with lamb as the main ingredient. It is also enriched with rice, vitamins, and minerals to provide your dog with complete and balanced nutrition.

Ingredients: Dried animal protein and lamb meat (lamb min %5), rice (min %5), corn, semoline flour(or wheat), chicken fat, fish oil, brewer’s yeast, dried sugar beet, vitamins and minerals. Nutritional contents: Mositure 10%, Crude Protein 20%, Crude Fat 10%, Crude Ash 9%, Crude Cellulose 6%, Calcium 2%, Phosporus 1%, Sodium 0.5%, Omega 3 0, 2mg/kg, Omega 6 0,4 mg/kg, Vitamin A 25000 iu/kg, Vitamin D 1000 iu/kg, Vitamin E 80 mg/kg, Vitamin C 120 mg/kg

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